Are Veneers Bad For Your Teeth?

Veneers are thin porcelain shells affixed to the front surface of teeth to conceal imperfections, such as chips or discolorations. Veneers offer multiple benefits, from improving the appearance of your smile to looking and functioning just like natural teeth. Another benefit of veneers is that they are completely safe and will not harm your teeth at all. In Shrewsbury, NJ, veneers are available at Shrewsbury Dental Group, where Dr. Nikita Pastagia and Dr. Ranu Sinha can help you achieve the smile you desire.

How Veneers Help Your Smile

Veneers make it possible to dramatically transform the appearance of teeth with various cosmetic imperfections. Flaws are concealed behind the veneers so all anyone will see is your beautiful, flawless smile. Problems that can be addressed with veneers include:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Oddly shaped teeth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Slight gaps between teeth
  • Stained or discolored teeth
  • Teeth that appear too short

Veneers offer numerous benefits. Each veneer is custom-made for a perfect fit. Additionally, they look completely natural since they are made from porcelain, which closely matches the appearance of tooth enamel. Another benefit of veneers is that they function like natural teeth. They are permanently bonded in place so patients can confidently bite and chew food without the risk of the veneers coming loose or slipping.

Getting Veneers

Getting veneers involves just a few easy steps. The first step is a consultation with one of the skilled dentists at our office in Shrewsbury, NJ, to determine if veneers are right for you. It is possible that another cosmetic dentistry procedure might be a better option based on the specific issues you would like to address.

Once it has been decided that veneers are the way to go, the second step in the process is to prepare the teeth. Any teeth receiving a veneer will need to be gently filed just a bit to make room for the veneers. A small amount of enamel is removed, which allows the veneers to sit properly on the teeth and not look or feel bulky.

Next, an impression is made of the teeth. The impression will be sent to a dental laboratory where it will be used to create custom veneers just for you. In the meantime, you will receive temporary veneers that will be worn while the lab creates your custom ones. A few weeks later when the custom veneers are ready, you’ll return to the office to have the temporary ones removed. Your custom veneers will then be permanently cemented in place. Your new veneers can last indefinitely with proper care.

Veneers are not bad for your teeth. In fact, they can safely give you the smile you have always wanted. For veneers in Shrewsbury, NJ, schedule a consultation with Dr. Pastagia or Dr. Sinha by calling Shrewsbury Dental Group at (732) 741-8707.

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